71% of HCPs do not initiate weight loss conversations because they believe people with obesity (PwO) are not interested in losing weight, while only 7% of PwO reported this as a reason for not initiating the conversation.1 Read on to find out how to make these conversations easier.
If you find the conversation hard, imagine what it’s like for your patients
Obesity can be hard to talk about. The stigma surrounding obesity can weigh heavily on your patients.2 It's also a chronic disease that brings over 200 co-morbidities3-10 with it, so hearing about serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea or osteoarthritis can be hard.
But in truth, 68% of PwO would like their HCP to initiate the conversation, and only 3% reported feeling offended by such a conversation1. It's time for that conversation, for the sake of their health.
Watch our latest film
Talking with patients about obesity management
Learn more about how an effective obesity management plan starts with skilful and empathetic communication between physician and patient. Discover a series of short films which demonstrate a patient-centered counselling approach to address the topic of obesity management in clinical practice. Obesity medicine specialist, Dr. Michael Crotty describes common obesity conversation scenarios.
Internalised stigma and bias
Patient voice: ‘I’ve tried it all!’
How to address the PwO’s biases or stigma around obesity, using evidence to help them think about it in a different way.
Best weight
Patient voice: "What’s a good goal for me?"
How to introduce "best weight" to PwO to reframe their expectations from "losing weight" to "gaining health".
Surprising Science
Patient voice: "People have had great results with this diet and exercise plan…"
How to help PwO challenge "eat less, move more" to form a healthier relationship with food and physical activity.
Patient voice: "I don't want to feel the way I do right now…"
How to help PwO make decisions aligned with their values, working in line with what matters most to them.
Understanding cravings
Patient voice: "I’m not seeing any progress…"
How to help PwO recognise and make the best decisions in the face of cravings.
Overcoming cravings
Patient voice: "Sometimes I can't stop myself"
How to help PwO capture and challenge permission thoughts and create new restraint thoughts to better handle their cravings.
Patient voice: "It’s all too much!"
How to help PwO identify and manage the inevitable obstacles they will face as part of their journey.
Patient voice: "Sometimes it just makes me think, what’s the point?"
How to guide PwO to be resilient on their weight management plan, understanding that setbacks are all part of the process.
Our commitments
Learn more about our ongoing commitments to understanding obesity.
- Caterson ID, Alfadda AA, Auerbach P, et al. Gaps to bridge: misalignment between perception, reality and actions in obesity. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019;1–11.
- Puhl RM, Heuer CA. The stigma of obesity: a review and update. Obesity. 2009;17(5):941.
- Yuen M. ER, Kadambi N. A systematic review and evaluation of current evidence reveals 236 obesity-associated disorders. The obesity society 2016.
- Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Lachin JM, Walker EA, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(6):393-403
- Wing RR, Lang W, Wadden TA, Safford M, Knowler WC, Bertoni AG, et al. Benefits of modest weight loss in improving cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2011;34(7):1481-6
- Dattilo AM, Kris-Etherton PM. Effects of weight reduction on blood lipids and lipoproteins: a meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 1992;56(2):320-8
- Coggon D, Reading I, Croft P, McLaren M, Barrett D, Cooper C. Knee osteoarthritis and obesity. Int J ObesRelatMetabDisord. 2001;25(5):622-7
- Christensen R, Bartels EM, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Effect of weight reduction in obese patients diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66(4):433-9
- Zelber-Sagi S, Godos J, Salomone F. Lifestyle changes for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a review of observational studies and intervention trials. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2016;9(3):392-407
- Glass LM, Dickson RC, Anderson JC, Suriawinata AA, Putra J, Berk BS, et al. Total body weight loss of >/= 10 % is associated with improved hepatic fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2015;60(4):1024-30 People portrayed are actors.
HQ24OB00463, Approval date: November 2024
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